La parte de GMAT Sentence Correction, medirá tu habilidad de elaborar oraciones, tanto de gramática, como de modo y de forma. Vendrá un texto que te ayudará a darle contexto al enunciado, y una oración vendrá resaltada. Esta probablemente tendrá un error. En las opciones, elegirás aquella que pueda sustituir al enunciado, de manera que sea “correcto”. En ellas, siempre aparecerá el original, de manera que hay veces en la que esté bien estructurado. Lo importante no es solo estar bien escrito, sino mantener la intención que le corresponde al texto y, tanto el tiempo como la lógica correctas. Este es el tipo de preguntas que más aparece, con un promedio de 14 en total, debido a la rapidez en las que pueden ser contestada.
Por ejemplo, tomamos las siguientes preguntas de la Official Guide for GMAT Review 2016:
- Unlike the buildings in Mesopotamian cities, which were arranged haphazardly, the same basic plan was followed for all cities of the Indus Valley: with houses laid out on the north-south, east-west grid, and houses and walls were built of standard-size bricks.
- the buildings in Mesopotamian cities, which were arranged haphazardly, the same basic plan was followed for all cities of the Indus Valley: with houses
- the buildings in Mesopotamian cities, which were haphazard in arrangement, the same basic plan was used in all cities of the Indus Valley: houses were
- the arrangement of buildings in Mesopotamian cities, which were haphazard, the cities of the Indus Valley all followed the same basic plan: houses
- Mesopotamian cities, in which buildings were arranged haphazardly, the cities of the Indus Valley all followed the same basic plan: houses
- Mesopotamian cities, which had buildings that were arranged haphazardly, the same basic plan was used for all cities in the Indus Valley: houses that were
- In 1923, the Supreme Court declared a minimum wage for women and children in the District of Columbia as unconstitutional, and ruling that it was a form of price-fixing and, as such, an abridgment of the right of contract
- the Supreme Court declared a minimum wage for women and children in the District of Columbia as unconstitutional, and
- the Supreme Court declared as unconstitutional a minimum wage for women and children in the District of Columbia, and
- the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional a minimum wage for women and children in the District of Columbia,
- a minimum wage for women and children in the District of Columbia was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court,
- when the the Supreme Court declared a minimum wage for women and children in the District of Columbia as unconstitutional
- Critics contend that the new missile is a weapon whose importance is largely symbolic, more a tool for manipulating people’s perceptions than to fulfill a real military need
- for manipulating people’s perceptions than to fulfill
- for manipulating people’s perceptions than for fulfilling
- to manipulate people’s perceptions rather than that it fulfills
- to manipulate people’s perceptions rather than fulfilling
- to manipulate people’s perceptions than for fulfilling
Observa cómo las preguntas no tendrán errores de vocabulario, sino errores gramaticales difíciles de observar, pero que hacen las oraciones más adecuadas para el contexto en el que están inmersas. Por ello es esencial no sólo leer lo subrayado, sino todo el texto en general.
- Etiquetas: Estudiar en el extranjero | GMAT | Posgrado | Posgrados |